Elves of Erinbour

Mark/ August 27, 2014/ Dynasty, Erinbour, Places of Power, Uncategorized/ 0 comments

I talked earlier about the Elves are true Ogres from Erinbours History, and as such they retain the same as that culture did milenia ago. Wiped out by disease from the Otherkin the ones to survive  took the Name Elven or Survivor.

Elves live and work within a matriarcal hierarchy of families. There is no noble or Commoner in Elvish society. As an elf you belong to a Family. There are currently 15 Families that make up the Elven nation. Each Family is lead by a Matriarch that oversees the families affairs. She makes all decisions.

She is suported by her immediate family. Each Family is loyal only to themselves and while they have kinship with the other families they are seen as rivals. Each house has a goal to out do their rivals, this sometiems spills into open aggression, but ussually is usually  reserved for backroom operations.  Many a thieves guild can find hidden backers within the Elven families.

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